Tag Archives: Anonymous

It’s Over


“Happiness is

the art of never

holding in your mind

the memory of any

unpleasant thing

that has passed.”


~ Anonymous


It’s over, let go and let God handle the past,

move into the here and now and be happy.

Have an attitude of gratitude that in God’s world

there is a balance between good and bad

and if you think your life sucks that is because

you are dwelling too much on the bad that has passed.

Today, focus on the good and be happy.

Happiness is living positive in the here and now.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


ME and the Boss









A Good Heart



A pretty face gets old.

A nice body will change.

But a good heart

will always be good.”


~ Anonymous



Gravity always wins, however,

some things never grow old

and a kind heart is one of those things.

The Great Creator has a kind heart,

that is why He gives us a rainbow after

each earth refreshing rain.

Today, be kind, be loving

and give a little push back on gravity.

Kindness is a good heart that refuses to grow old.

Kindness is the beginning of a life filled with love.


ME and the Boss







