Author Archives: ME and the Boss

About ME and the Boss

Motivation and life lived and loved in a positive light, one day at a time. Inspiration from a Higher Power, for those who believe they need one or both.

Put On Love

14 . And over all

these virtues

put on love,

which binds them

all together

in perfect unity.


Colossians 3:14 NIV



Virtues are the good things

that one thinks and does.

Compassion, forgiveness, faith, sobriety

and all other virtues begin with love.

Love yourself, love your fellow man, love God’s world,

and the more unconditionally that

you love

the unity of all the virtues will bring this world

to a better understanding of peace and serenity.

Love is over all virtues.

Love is helping someone love themselves.

ME and the Boss
. Love Is

Your Net Worth

“Your net worth

to the world

is usually determined

by what remains

after your bad habits

are subtracted from

your good ones.”


~ Benjamin Franklin



Be valuable, try not to have too many bad habits.

Be valuable, smile, be kind, be  loving, be patient,

be tolerant, be forgiving, be compassionate and

be the person God wants you to be.

The selfish and self-centered are the worthless

who are a bad habit that needs to be changed.

Today, change the world, be kind.

Kindness is the good habit

that makes your life valuable.

Kindness is the beginning of a life filled with love.


ME and the Boss
. Love Is