Tag Archives: Everything






I’ve discovered,

is everything

in life.”


— Isaac Singer



All of life’s journey begins with the first step,

one day at a time.

So today,

why not make the first step kindness.

Be kind to yourself; body, mind and soul,

and when you feel the love, let it go

and watch the journey become destined for a place

that is happy, joyous and free.

Today, allow God’s will to guide your journey.

Kindness is everything in life.

Kindness is the beginning of a life filled with love.


ME and the Boss






The Equal of Family




“Friendship is everything.

Friendship is more than talent.

It is more than the government.

It is almost the equal of family.

– Don Corleone”


~ Mario Puzo



Everyone and everything needs a friend even

when the motives may not be pure of heart.

Even the bad guys know the value of friendship.

Avoid the guilt and shame, choose friends who

are constructive and wish to do the next right thing.

Today, be a good guy, value your friends

and treat them like family.

Friendship is almost the equal of family.

Friendship is a priceless gem

that is to be valued and protected.


ME and the Boss




